Gomez leaves council2 min read

The Sedona City Council will soon be one member short.

Councilman Ramon Gomez recently announced his resignation from council, effective Friday, August 1, after two years on council.

Gomez had two more years left to serve and is disappointed he won’t have the opportunity to finish out his term, he wrote in an e-mail announcing his resignation.

By Alison Ecklund

Larson Newspapers


The Sedona City Council will soon be one member short.

Councilman Ramon Gomez recently announced his resignation from council, effective Friday, August 1, after two years on council.

Gomez had two more years left to serve and is disappointed he won’t have the opportunity to finish out his term, he wrote in an e-mail announcing his resignation.

Gomez and his family are moving back to San Diego County, Calif., where they came from four years ago.

His wife, Dina, has accepted a sen-ior management position in corporate energy communications with Southern California Edison, Gomez wrote.

He will likely resume work in labor relations and negotiations for the organization he left when he moved to Sedona four years ago.

Gomez said they tried to commute for the past two months, but it was difficult on the family’s four children. They are putting their family first and moving in time for the new school year.

According to Arizona statute, City Council can fill a seat by either appointment for the unexpired term or appointment until the next regularly scheduled council election, if the vacancy occurs more than 30 days before the nomination petition deadline.

Since Gomez’ term expires in two years and the next scheduled council election is in two years, either way, the council will appoint someone to fill his seat, City Attorney Mike Goimarac said.

Council will advertise the position, accept applications and hold interviews — if it desires, Goimarac said, or just base its decision on the applications.

Then a council member will make a nomination for filling the position and council will vote on it.

Once a majority decides on the new council member, the person will be appointed and can take the council seat, he said.

Gomez has met with Sedona Mayor Rob Adams, he wrote in his e-mail, and is hopeful that the person chosen to fill his position, “will bring the same philosophies and common-sense approach that I have brought to the council.”

Gomez closed the e-mail by wishing the town and everyone only the best.

“Thank you again for your friendship, support, encouragement and guidance,” he wrote.

Gomez was travelling and couldn’t be reached before press time.


Alison Ecklund can be reached at 282-7795, Ext. 125, or e-mail aeckund@larsonnewspapers.com


Larson Newspapers

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