Athlete Q&A: Brian Burke

Click here to read the latest Athlete Q&A, this week with Sedona Red Rock High School senior midfielder Brian Burke.

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Brian Burke
Senior Midfielder

Where are you from?
I was born in Vancouver, Canada, and I’ve lived in the Verde Valley all my life.

What sports do you play?

What’s the best part?
Bus rides.

The worst part?
Freezing cold practices in January.

What’s your favorite food?
Bacon and eggs.

Do you have a favorite sports team?
My favorite soccer team Manchester United and my favorite hockey team is the Vancouver Canucks.

Favorite TV show?

Dream place to live?

If you could have superpower, what would it be?
Super speed.

What do you do in your free time?
I take pictures and mountain bike.

Do you have any pregame routines or superstitions?
Before every game I read my grandfather’s obituary.

What’s behind that?
I started doing it my freshman year. On my cleats I have his year of birth and date of death and his initials.

Why is he so important to you?
When he was young in Ireland he played and it was just kind of a cool thing, keeping him in my mind.

Describe your coach in one word.

Describe yourself in one word.

What makes a good teammate?
Communication and consistency.

What are the benefits of high school sports?
You get to know your student body better, you get to make more friends in high school and you get to learn more about yourself at a young age.

What are your future goals?
To be a professional photographer or firefighter.

What are you looking forward to after graduation?
Studying photography at NAU, and communications.