43.6 F
Monday, January 20, 2025

Ron Eland

Council approves new fee schedule

To say it’s been a while since the Sedona Community Development Department raised its fees is a bit of an understatement.  After not being requested to do so for 16 years, the Sedona City Council approved the new fee...

City updates rental code

For City of Sedona offi­cials, it’s a bill that pretty much equates to putting a bandage on a broken arm.  In May, Gov. Doug Ducey signed House Bill 2672 into law, which provides cities and towns additional — albeit...

Attorney General clears city of wrongdoing regarding chamber contract

 After a year-long investigation, the Arizona Attorney General’s Office cleared the city of Sedona of any wrongdoing regarding funding to the Sedona Chamber of Commerce.  In its findings, which were released on Tuesday, Aug. 20, the AG concluded that...

Hilton hearing delayed

The wait continues as to whether or not a proposed hotel in the Village of Oak Creek is granted a zone change. Late last week it was announced that a hearing scheduled for Wednesday, Aug. 21, before the Yavapai...

Water company seeks new direction

Who says you can’t teach an old dog news tricks — even when it applies to a public utility. The 750 customers of the Oak Creek Water Company may soon see the company running a little differently, but according...

Sedona City Council delays rate hike vote

It’s somewhat back to the drawing board for the city of Sedona and its consultants regarding wastewater rates.  The purpose of the meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 13, was to give notice of intention to increase wastewater rates in accordance...

Sunset Park to get face-lift

Those who enjoy taking their children or grandchil­dren to Sunset Park will soon see something new. The Sedona City Council approved a contract on Tuesday, Aug. 13, for improvements to the park including the surface around the playground area. ...

Sedona to propose rental law

Even though the Arizona Legislature doesn’t recon­vene until January, it doesn’t mean that commu­nities can’t add to their wish list of topics to be discussed. Each year, the League of Arizona Cities and Towns — through its Resolutions Committee —...

Courtroom renovations still on hold

It’s a project that’s been on the city’s back burner for a few years now and doesn’t appear to be moving from that spot any time soon. In early 2016, the city purchased property at 55 Sinagua Drive, adjacent...

Rachel Murdoch leaving Sedona Parks & Rec

Often in life there comes a time when one steps out of their comfort zone to try something new. Rachel Murdoch will soon be taking that step Murdoch, the longtime Sedona Parks and Recreation manager, gave notice on...

About Me

Ron Eland has been the assistant managing editor of the Sedona Red Rock News for the past seven years. He started his professional journalism career at the age of 16 and over the past 35 years has worked for newspapers in Nevada, Hawaii, California and Arizona. In his free time he enjoys the outdoors, sports, photography and time with his family and friends.

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