41.7 F
Saturday, March 29, 2025

Ron Eland

Sedona city and chamber study suggests that visitors’ tax share has increased to 77 percent

It’s no secret that tourist dollars account for a large percentage of the city of Sedona budget. But just how much has it varied over the years? City officials agree that...

Sedona officials say city staff executed procedures to mitigate snowstorm well

There are few topics in life that generate as much conversation — even amongst perfect strangers — as weather. And last week, people in Arizona had a whole lot to talk...

SR89A closed in canyon as 11 inches of snow hits Sedona

 Snow continues to fall in the Verde Valley, resulting in road closures and power outages as of 8:30 a.m., Friday, Feb. 22. At 7:30 a.m., the Arizona Department of Transportation reported that State Route 89A...

Big Park Regional Coordinating Council recommends denial for Village of Oak Creek Hilton project

A woman in the audience may have summed up the feelings of most there. “I don’t want to see the Village of Oak Creek become ‘Vegas of Oak Creek,’” she said, receiving a round of applause.  ...

Mariel Hemingway returns to Film Festival for documentary

When you talk to Mariel Hemingway, you quickly realize that, despite a successful acting and modeling career — not to mention her famous last name —, she’s very down to earth. That’s fitting considering one...

New bill to ban texting and holding cellphones while driving

Arizona is one of just three states in the country that allows motorists to text while driving. But that may soon change.  Senate Bill 1165, which is currently before the Arizona Legislature, has...

City Council updates development fees to fund streets, police and parks

The Sedona City Council did a little mandated housekeeping in terms of required fees for development.  On Tuesday, Feb. 12, council held a public hearing as part of the city update to its...

City Council unanimously votes on design for Uptown median

It may have been one of the easiest decisions the Sedona City Council was asked to make in terms of the ongoing Sedona in Motion project. At hand was city staff requesting direction from council...

City of Sedona to refurbish historic ranger station, barn

The historic U.S. Forest Service Ranger Station house on Brewer Road is in much need of a face lift and the city of Sedona is hoping to provide one. In 2014 the city purchased 3.4...

Moon Shot AZ Pioneer Pitch gives Verde Valley entrepreneurs chance to sink or swim in ‘Shark Tank’-type setup

Have you ever had an idea for a business or a desire to expand the current one you’re in? If so, mark Thursday through Saturday, April 11 through 13, on your calendar for Moon Shot...

About Me

Ron Eland has been the assistant managing editor of the Sedona Red Rock News for the past seven years. He started his professional journalism career at the age of 16 and over the past 35 years has worked for newspapers in Nevada, Hawaii, California and Arizona. In his free time he enjoys the outdoors, sports, photography and time with his family and friends.

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