Sedona Police Department investigates possible suicide

The body of a Colorado man was recovered near Midgley Bridge in what appears to be a suicide. According to Sedona Police Sgt. Stephanie Foley, the body was identified as 33-year-old Brent Wilkins.

Foley said Wilkins parked his vehicle about  1,000 feet south of the bridge in a turnout popular with those hiking down to the creek. His body was found approximately 200 below the roadway. SPD Chief David McGill said Wilkins’s autopsy was scheduled for Tuesday, Dec. 12.

He said they’re fairly confident it was a suicide since a note was found in his vehicle. His body was found around 12:30 p.m. by someone hiking near the creek.

“Apparently he found a ledge and jumped,” McGill said. “But right now we’re still putting together all the pieces.”

The Sedona Fire District and the Coconino County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue team were called in.

The body was extracted by an Arizona Department of Public Safety helicopter. “Because the body was found in a really odd spot it was determined the best way to extract it was by helicopter,” McGill said.


Ron Eland can be reached at 282-7795, ext. 122 or by email at