While the Arizona Department of Transportation plans to shut down State Route 89A in Oak Creek Canyon during stormy weather this winter because of financial difficulties, many Sedona residents want the state to look at other cost-saving alternatives. Sedona...
He doesn’t paint, sculpt or create tangible art, but Christopher Lane received the 2009 Sedona Mayor’s Arts Award. The second annual awards ceremony presented by the city of Sedona Arts and Culture Commission on Thursday, Nov. 12, presented awards...
Anthony Lo Duca, Brian Batty, John Parks and Larry Stephenson: What do all four of these men have in common? Well, they all were at one time or another the head baseball coach for Sedona Red Rock High School...
The Sedona City Council on Tuesday, Nov. 10, approved $1.3 million in improvements to its wastewater treatment plant. The improvements, which have been discussed for months, involve upgrading the dry beds at the treatment plant. Carollo Engineers presented council...
The vast majority of Sedona residents attending a Thursday Arizona Department of Transportation workshop on streetlights were not impressed. ADOT presented posters of many of the plans around the Si Birch Room at the Sedona Public Library. ADOT Public...
Arizona Public Service’s predictive maintenance group used a drone to inspect power lines for damage and vegetation growth at...
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