48 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ripple Effect shows at Film Festival

Writer and director Philippe Caland relies on improvisation in his films. It’s an unorthodox approach, he said, and it’s one that requires a lot of trust from his actors. It’s also one of...

Electronic music: In the beginning

Rownd discovered the technology in the early 1980s through an ex-girlfriend — a Stanford University student and a member of the Macintosh development team responsible for inventing the first Musical Instrument Digital Interface, or MIDI. By...

Futurist shows documentary

Sedona filmmakers take exploratory documentary to L.A. “Where did we come from?” and “where are we going?” are perhaps the two greatest questions mankind has ever sought to answer. Sedona filmmakers take...

Happy Cabbage brings in the funk and sax jazz flavor

The late-night music scene in Sedona offers a mix of talents, backgrounds and genres, but the infusion of new blood, new musicians and new bands is what local music lovers appreciate most. That new blood will...

Artist prepares his Hawaiian refuge off the grid

After 17 years in Sedona, artist and musician William Faircloth is packing his bags for Hawaii’s Big Island. Seated in his West Sedona home, where little remains beyond evidence of his shamanic...

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Our new interactive map of Sedona’s short-term rentals provides transparency

Since the passage of Senate Bill 1350 in 2016, Sedona residents have expressed growing concerns over the number of...

DFFM hosts Firewise workday at Coffee Pot subdivision

Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...
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