53.8 F
Saturday, February 22, 2025

9/11 memorial

Remembering Sept. 11, 2001

Dave Soto spent his entire career as a fire­fighter, helping and saving the lives of others. But it was the actions of ordinary citizens turned heroes on Sept. 11, 2001, that brought him to tears. Soto, the president of the...

Sedona Fire District’s 9/11 event to be virtual

For the past four years, Sedona residents and visitors have gathered at Sedona Fire District’s Station 6 to honor those lives lost on Sept. 11, 2001. And while they will still be honored, this year’s event will be quite different...

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Show time: Sedona film festival draws near

The 31st annual Sedona International Film Festival will run from Saturday, Feb. 22, through Sunday, March 2, offering more...

Sedona Charter to close its middle school

Sedona Charter School’s Governing Council voted at its Tuesday, Jan. 21 meeting to close the school’s middle school program...
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