Sedona City Manager Eric Levitt reports unoffical results of the recount in the race for Sedona Mayor are in. Unofficial results from the recount in the race for Sedona mayor show former Sedona City Councilman Rob...
In a close run-off election Tuesday, May 20, Sedona City Councilman Rob Adams pulled ahead Wednesday, May 21, by two votes. Adams received 1,969 votes and incumbent Mayor Pud Colquitt received 1,967 out of a total...
In a close run-off election Tuesday, May 20, City Councilman Rob Adams pulled ahead Wednesday, May 21, by two votes in unofficial results as of 4 p.m. Votes were still coming in from Sedona...
Charles F. Adams Sunday, Feb. 25, 2007 Charles Frances Adams, 76, of Rimrock, died Feb. 25. Adams, a U.S. Army veteran and retired Yavapai County Sheriff?s deputy, is survived by his wife of...
Adams, Colquitt head to runoff election. Sterling, Hamilton, Bradshaw and Surber elected to city council. Home rule ordinance passes.Voters reject 4-year term for mayor. Adams, Colquitt head to runoff election ...
Seventeen-year-old Verde Valley School senior Elle Douglas was named the Sedona Police Department’s 2024 Cadet of the Year during...
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