46.8 F
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Alison Ecklund

Old bridge delays new bridge

Work will resume on the State Route 179 bridge over Oak Creek within a couple of weeks, despite rumors of major problems. According to Arizona Department of Transportation Project Manager Carl Burkhalter, the sky is not falling. The rumors...

Grocery’s shoppers show their support

The Sedona Bashas’ and two other Verde Valley locations will stay open despite Bashas’ Supermarket recently filing Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Bashas’ voluntarily filed Chapter 11 reorganization under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code on Sunday, July 12, President and Chief Operating...

Sen. Pierce: Arizona’s ‘broke’

On a break from heated Arizona Legislature budget sessions, State Senator Steve Pierce painted a bleak picture to the Big Park Regional Coordinating Council. “A lot of things we’ve been accustomed to, we can’t afford,” he told the...

Sedona Oak Creek School District plans $4 million for solar projects

In its latest move to offset increased energy use with energy-efficient projects, the Sedona Oak Creek School District Governing Board unanimously agreed to hire Kinney Construction Services for work on future solar projects. From the $73.4 million bond voters...

Council splits 4-2: DiNunzio wins

To replace former Sedona City Councilman Marc Sterling, council went with a man of the same name. With a 4-2 vote, council appointed Mark DiNunzio on Thursday, July 2, to fill the seat Sterling left vacant when he resigned...

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City to add five or more new staff next year

With the coming of the new year comes also the Sedona City Council’s annual priority retreat with its planning...

New annual pass coming for Sedona rec sites

The Coconino National Forest and its concessionaire ExplorUS announced on Wednesday, Dec. 18, that they will be discontinuing the...
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