28.6 F
Wednesday, January 22, 2025


Yavapai-Apache Nation pursuing wastewater deal with Sedona

The Sedona City Council approved a land lease agreement with the Yavapai-Apache Nation during its Tuesday, July 11 meeting to permit the installation of a wastewater treatment skid by the YAN at the city’s wastewater treatment plant for a...

Laurel S. Brewer

Laurel S. Brewer Jan. 9, 2010 Laurel S. Brewer, 99, formerly of Sedona, died Saturday, Jan. 9, in West Plains, Mo. Brewer was preceded in death by his wife of 70 years, Olive G. Griffin, two children, one grandson,...

Grandmothers reclaim songs

Forbidden by ancient custom to sing certain songs that belonged only to the men of her tribe, Delores Plunkett watched as those songs were extinguished, taken to the grave by the diabetes and the alcohol that claimed their...

Humanities students tour local national monument

Young teenage women in jeans, ponytails and fitted sweaters gathered at Tuzigoot National Monument.  They would have probably lost all of their pretty, straight teeth by age 25, if they?d lived there. ...

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Rogers looks to rename SR260 for Donald Trump

In the new state legislative session, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers pre-filed Arizona Senate Concurrent Memorial 1001 on Dec....

Mozart on the page, Miro Quartet on the stage

Sedonans were escorted to a “Rendezvous with Benny Goodman” courtesy of Chamber Music Sedona on Sunday, Jan. 12, in...
Larson Newspapers