53 F
Friday, February 7, 2025


Sedona City Council talks broadband

Broadband is coming to Yavapai County — and sooner than some may have expected. Stan Goligoski, execu­tive director of Yavapai County Education Service Agency’s Support Services Division, gave an update to the Sedona City Council on Sept. 14, on the...

Faster Internet in store for Sedona?

Pipes holding the future head from Phoenix to Flagstaff via Interstate 17 but remain untapped in the Verde Valley. Those giant pipes hold fibers that provide broadband access to Internet users, a luxury a small group wants to make...

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Wendy Rogers floats bitcoin reserve

On Jan. 14, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers and Arizona Rep. Jeff Weninger introduced Senate Bill 1025, the...

Sedona City Council’s silence on proposed water rate hike shows who really matters

The Sedona City Council opted to take no action to oppose or make a statement about Arizona’s Water Company’s...
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