Fitch Industries held a second public meeting Wednesday, June 6, on lodging at the former Sedona Cultural Park but still hasn’t closed escrow on the property. By Trista Steers Larson Newspapers...
Sedona Women “Dames Who Make a Difference” spent all year helping others, then, for one day, they helped themselves. “It’s not just a bunch of women getting together...
Health is something people of all ages need to talk about, according to Sedona Fire District Public Information Officer Gary Johnson. To encourage conversation between the community and health care providers, SFD hosted...
Fitch Industries is giving the Community Plan Future Land Use Map amendment process another whirl, hoping to build lodging at the former Sedona Cultural Park. By Trista Steers Larson Newspapers ________________ Fitch Industries...
The Humane Society of Sedona still needs to raise $1 million to complete its new facility. By Trista Steers Larson Newspapers ________________ The Humane Society of Sedona still needs to raise $1 million...
Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...
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