39.7 F
Sunday, December 22, 2024

Christopher Fox Graham

Diamond Resorts may buy out ILX

Sedona’s Los Abrigados Resort & Spa may soon be under new management if an acquisition offer for ILX Resorts by Diamond Resorts Corp. is approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In an offer filed with the SEC on Jan....

Residents asked for advice on lights

Sedona residents have the opportunity to choose the future appearance of State Route 89A as it cuts through West Sedona. Will 42 high-pressure sodium lights arch 45 feet above the roadway? Or will 136 Monterey-style metal halide lights similar...

Quarrel overshadows lights

Sedona residents again lit up over lights at the Sedona City Council meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 28, but there was little focus on the topic — 68 lighting options presented by the Arizona Department of Transportation. In his opening...

Events promise spooky celebration

Sedona residents love Halloween. It’s perhaps the only time of year when the city’s colorful cast of characters, crazies and creative types can walk down the street without garnering second looks. Only the tourists seem to notice the difference...

Lease restructured at Antonsen Memorial Park

Right now, a large sign is the only physical evidence of the Barbara Antonsen Memorial Park along Posse Ground Road in West Sedona. However, a year from now, a monolith dome sheltering an outdoor stage could be a familiar...

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Filling free time in Sedona: 4 teens discuss activities outside of school

There are just over 500 high school-aged students in Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek, according to the...

Second Cultural Park survey coming

While the process to produce a new master plan for the Sedona Cultural Park appears to be running three...
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