39.7 F
Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Sedona elections

Al Comello steps off SFD; Springett to join

Like many elections in the past, there may be no competition for the upcoming vacant seats on the Sedona Fire District Governing Board. As board member Al Comello steps down from his position at the end of his term, other...

Mayoral candidates talk tourism, economics

Around 300 residents gathered in the Sedona Performing Arts Center to listen to the city’s four mayoral candidates on Wednesday, July 6. After the Keep Sedona Beautiful and Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance environmental forum the evening before, the League...

Trending Now

Second Cultural Park survey coming

While the process to produce a new master plan for the Sedona Cultural Park appears to be running three...

SRRHS hosts annual students’ Fine Arts Night on Dec. 18

Sedona Red Rock High School will hold its annual Winter Concert and Student Showcase on Wednesday, Dec. 18, to...
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