55.1 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025


No construction Memorial Day weekend

All construction activities along State Route 89A and State Route 179 will stop at noon Friday, May 22, and resume at 6 a.m., Tuesday, May 26. Have a fun and safe holiday. When walking along State...

Greatest Show on Earth?

More than 100 residents showed up to watch what some described as a “three-ring circus” at the Sedona Fire District Governing Board Wednesday, Feb. 25. A frequently confused and chaotic discussion of the proposed Chapel area fire station eventually...

Bond sales net $25 million for schools

Despite a crippled global economy of stock markets plunging, unemployment rising and houses not selling, Sedona Oak Creek School District successfully sold $25 million of bonds last week. In its second of a three-part bond sale, the school district...

Lumber store to be rebuilt

  Around 1:20 a.m. on April 21, 2005, fire ravaged Lumbermen’s, on Highway 89A in West Sedona. The Sedona Fire District estimated the damage at $3 million and considered it the...

New bridge done by summer ’09

In the midst of a nine-mile road construction project sits a project shorter in distance, but just as great in magnitude. As part of the Highway 179 road work, construction of a new bridge over Oak...

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Lowell names asteroid for poet, Sedona Red Rock News editor Christopher Fox Graham

Sedona Red Rock News Managing Editor and Sedona Poetry Slam founder Christopher Fox Graham has become the second Sedona...

Microtransit ridership down, per-ride cost drops below $100

The annual numbers for the city of Sedona’s trailhead shuttle system indicate that the trailhead shuttles appear to have...
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