The Sedona Airport is moving forward with plans to redeÂvelop the former Masonic Lodge property on Airport Mesa.
On Aug. 6, the Sedona-Oak Creek Airport Authority’s Board of Directors authorized Airport Manager Ed Rose to begin lease negotiations with Harrell...
The city of Sedona is still studying the issue of what agencies or groups can apply for funding and for how much. Sedona Assistant City Manager Alison Zelms said the city needs to come up with proposals before coming...
The Sedona City Council last week looked into changing the process for distribution of event funds for next year. This discussion came immediately after council voted to not fund organizations in round two of its event funding program. Mark...
Sedona City Council unanimously selected Cliff Hamilton to be its next vice mayor Tuesday, Nov. 24. Hamilton fills the position left vacant last month by John Bradshaw. Mayor Rob Adams nominated Hamilton, saying he has proven to him they...
The Sedona Arts Center’s 5th Annual Plein Air Festival will be an unforgettable nine days of celebrating the blend of art and nature as seen through the eyes of thirty-two award-winning artists. The Festival opens...
When most people have an unsatisfactory experience with a business, they might leave an online review. Sedona resident Debbie...
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