Kyle Kirsch, a 2005 graduate of Sedona Red Rock High, continued to live the dream as his University of Arizona club baseball team fought their way to the National Club Baseball World Series in Fort Myers, Fla., from...
In the last 10 years of Sedona Red Rock High track and field teams, the Scorpions have always put out a competitive product whether it was in regional competition or even state competition but there was always something...
Victor Brian, 21, of Camp Verde, was charged with driving on a suspended license after rolling a borrowed car on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 5 p.m. Brian was westbound on Hwy. 89A approaching Lower Red Rock...
The Sedona Red Rock High boys tennis team lost a tough one Wednesday, May 2, losing to Florence High 5-4. This loss eliminates SRRHS from the state team playoffs. By Brian Bergner Jr. Larson Newspapers...
The Sedona Red Rock High softball team lost both games of a doubleheader to Camp Verde High, 13-11 and 10-2, on Wednesday, March 27. By Nick Ruland Larson Newspapers ________________ The Sedona Red...
City of Sedona short-term rental specialist Teresah Arthur reported to the Sedona City Council on the success of Sedona’s...
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