The Sedona International Film Festival partners with the New York Film Critics Series to present the Northern Arizona premiere of “Man In Red Bandana” to commemorate 9/11 and honor a hero of that tragedy. The film will show in...
In honor of students heading back to school, Zenprov Comedy presents Socially Awkward at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre on Saturday, Sept. 9, at 7:30 p.m.“It’s been said that tragedy plus time equals comedy, so we thought we’d do...
Spend the evening with Meryl Streep and the music of ABBA at the “Mamma Mia!” special event featuring an encore screening of the smash hit movie musical on Monday, Sept. 11, at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre, presented by...
The Sedona International Film Festival presents the Northern Arizona premiere of “13 Minutes,” showing Friday through Thursday, Sept. 1 through 7, at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre.The German film “13 Minutes” tells the true story of the man minutes...
The English National Opera’s acclaimed production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s “The Mikado” will debut in Sedona on Sunday, Aug. 27, at 4 p.m. The Sedona International Film Festival hosts the big screen premiere at its Mary D. Fisher Theatre.“The...
The Sedona Police Department is selling $20 “Mini Sam” plushies of its black Labrador retriever K-9 dog, with the...
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