48 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025


Lights meeting set for Feb. 24

The issue of whether the Arizona Department of Transportation will install lights in West Sedona should be decided later this month. ADOT officials will meet with the Sedona City Council on Wednesday, Feb. 24, to discuss either installing streetlights...

Lights still in plan for 89A

The Arizona Department of Transportation delayed voting on the State Route 89A streetlight project but did not kill the project outright. False reports that the lighting issue was dead prompted ADOT Director John Halikowski to send a letter to...

ADOT delays SR 89A lights

The issue of ADOT installing lights in West Sedona has been delayed. The Arizona Department of Transportation wants more information before putting the West Sedona streetlights issue back into its five-year plan. The streetlights were among one of many...

Law keeps Frey away from forum

An issue of fairness in the Sedona mayor’s race was brought up Thursday, Jan. 14, at the Keep Sedona Beautiful City Council candidate forum after one candidate did not attend because he wanted to avoid potential open-meeting law violations....

Future event funding still fuzzy

The city of Sedona is still studying the issue of what agencies or groups can apply for funding and for how much. Sedona Assistant City Manager Alison Zelms said the city needs to come up with proposals before coming...

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A cleaner quicker Sedona 

When most people have an unsatisfactory experience with a business, they might leave an online review. Sedona resident Debbie...

Lowell names asteroid for poet, Sedona Red Rock News editor Christopher Fox Graham

Sedona Red Rock News Managing Editor and Sedona Poetry Slam founder Christopher Fox Graham has become the second Sedona...
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