55 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025


Scorpion golf team shows improvement in Prescott

By Brian Bergner Jr. Larson Newspapers The Sedona Red Rock High golf team looked better than ever on Monday, April 20, as they traveled to Prescott and played under the hot sun...

Golf finishes fourth at state

The Sedona Red Rock High golf team ended its regional championship season last week by finishing in fourth place at the AIA 3A State Golf Championships in Flagstaff.  By Brian Bergner Jr. Larson Newspapers ________________...

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SR 89A through Oak Creek Canyon reopened after snowstorm closed highway and northbound Interstate 17

The Arizona Department of Transportation reopened State Route 89A through Oak Creek Canyon this evening on Friday, March 7,...

DFFM hosts Firewise workday at Coffee Pot subdivision

Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...
Larson Newspapers