In an effort to dispose of future wastewater discharge, the city of Sedona is hoping an underground fracture study will help determine if injection wells are feasible. On Aug. 11, Sedona City Council voted 7-0 to add $71,209 to...
Federal grant money assigned to improve services at the Sedona Fire District languishes in an SFD reserve account, exposing a lack of expertise in grant writing at the fire district. Grant money can add faster, more up-to-date services to...
Yavapai County Board of Supervisors created a budget ceiling 5 percent lower for its general fund in the upcoming fiscal year. At its July 6 meeting, the board unanimously adopted a tentative budget for fiscal year 2009-10 setting the...
It may be a big, smelly mess, but regional and state authorities are hoping it’s a problem cities in the Verde Valley can deal with together. On Feb. 26, authorities from Arizona Department of Environmental Quality and Northern Arizona...
President Barack Obama signed the stimulus bill Feb. 17 and now Verde Valley communities wait to see how much money trickles down for local road projects. A stoplight at Airport Road made the list of regional improvements recommended to...
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church music director Dave Len Scott started off the second installment of the church’s spring “Shout...
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