There is a striking resemblance between Tom Cruise, who played Pete “Maverick” Mitchell in the 1986 film “Top Gun,” and the photo of a young Lew Hoyt, whose callsign was “Jumper” during his days at the U.S. Marine Corps...
Anyone in Sedona who wants to have a few words with Twyla Langenberg has to be fast on their feet. After two hours of tennis at the Radisson Poco Diablo resort on Tuesday morning, the 88½-year-old dynamo had only...
Delmer D. Culley Jan. 12, 1914 — March 4, 2009 Delmer Dare Culley, 95, of Sedona, died March 4. A Navy veteran, he served in the South Pacific in World War...
Hugh C. Barefoot Sept. 21, 1921 — May 12, 2008 Hugh Cameron Barefoot, 86, of Rimrock, died May 12. Born in New Orleans, Barefoot joined the U.S. Navy in 1941 and taught...
Steve King, the former Cottonwood-Oak Creek School District superintendent, started his new job as Yavapai County school superintendent at...
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