39.8 F
Monday, March 10, 2025


Many Sedonans oppose Hwy 89A lights

The vast majority of Sedona residents attending a Thursday Arizona Department of Transportation workshop on streetlights were not impressed. ADOT presented posters of many of the plans around the Si Birch Room at the Sedona Public Library. ADOT Public...

Streetlights debate over?

Sedona City Council will get its first look at streetlight styles and costs on Wednesday, Oct. 28, for the continuous lighting going in on State Route 89A. “The discussion about lights or no lights is over,” Sedona Mayor Rob...

Chapel station twice as large as the original

By Alison Ecklund Larson Newspapers No one in the packed synagogue said they didn’t want a new fire station in the Chapel area, but some said they want one smaller than current...

Greatest Show on Earth?

More than 100 residents showed up to watch what some described as a “three-ring circus” at the Sedona Fire District Governing Board Wednesday, Feb. 25. A frequently confused and chaotic discussion of the proposed Chapel area fire station eventually...

Lion kills pet dog in Village

Early last week a mountain lion snatched a family’s dog from their yard and killed it behind Ace Hardware in the Village of Oak Creek. The dog, approximately 12 pounds, was in the yard with the family’s other two...

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DFFM hosts Firewise workday at Coffee Pot subdivision

Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...

Sedona-Oak Creek School District collecting coins for Special Olympics

To celebrate March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, the Sedona-Oak Creek School District and Sedona police officers Catherine Beers...
Larson Newspapers