Sedona Red Rock High School will experience “The Haunting of Hill House” this Halloween. Based on a novel by Shirley Jackson, the seven-actor play is set at Hill House, a forbidding, sinister mansion isolated deep in...
Trying to mimic their big brothers in high school who got a huge victory over Tuba City High this past weekend, the Sedona Stingers football team had a big win of their own Saturday, Oct. 18, defeating Cottonwood...
The Sedona Jr. High football team continues to search for answers as they dropped their fourth contest in a row, this time to Granite Mountain over the weekend by the final score of 32-0. The biggest...
Entering only their third season in existence the Scorpions are expecting big things this year and hope to do well enough on the field to make the playoffs come November. First year Head Coach Kent...
Usually when writing these season previews for our favorite teams in Sedona, a recap of last season, key losses, top returners and even top newcomers are the normal format. For the newly formed Sedona Jr. High Scorpion football team,...
Officer Robert Joyce is the latest addition to the Sedona Police Department after graduating from the Northern Arizona Regional...
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