A large number of people have shown interest in the Sedona police chief position that became vacant when Joe Vernier retired after 10 years. The application deadline is more than a month away for individuals returning packets wanting to...
Sedona City Council unanimously selected Cliff Hamilton to be its next vice mayor Tuesday, Nov. 24. Hamilton fills the position left vacant last month by John Bradshaw. Mayor Rob Adams nominated Hamilton, saying he has proven to him they...
Among public criticism of spending mixed with a strong support of its services, the Sedona Fire District hired a civilian — Karen Daines — to fill a new position as business director. Daines, who started June...
The Sedona City Council will soon be one member short. Councilman Ramon Gomez recently announced his resignation from council, effective Friday, August 1, after two years on council. Gomez had two more years left...
People need to make time to listen to each other, according to Victoria Ward, human resources director for the city of Sedona. Before moving to Sedona, Ward spent 17 years as a police officer in Winter Garden, Fla....
After about a year of work and $200,000 in renovations Sedona Winds Assisted Living in the Village of Oak...
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