48.7 F
Saturday, December 21, 2024

ranger station park

Lions plant tree at Ranger Station Park on Earth Day

The Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon Lions Club celebrated Earth Day 2024 on April 22 in conjunction with the city of Sedona Parks and Recreation Department, by planting an Arkansas Black apple tree at Ranger Station Park on Brewer Road along...

Bob & Judy Huggins to retire from Rangers

After 16 years of service to the community of Sedona, Park Ranger program manager and founder Bob Huggins and his wife Judy are hanging up their volunteer ranger hats. The Sedona Volunteer Park Rangers will now be led by volunteer...

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Second Cultural Park survey coming

While the process to produce a new master plan for the Sedona Cultural Park appears to be running three...

Ken Zoll preserves pre-Columbian history

Verde Valley Archaeology Center and Museum Executive Director Emeritus Ken Zoll is frequently a man out of time, whether...
Larson Newspapers