31.7 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025


Legislators visit Sedona Republican club

At a meeting of the Republicans of the Red Rocks at the Sedona Elks Lodge on Oct. 21, Arizona Sen. Ken Bennett and Arizona Rep. Selena Bliss joined Sedona Mayor Scott Jablow and Vice Mayor Holli Ploog...

City benefits from diversity on city council

With the sudden departure of Councilman William Chisholm from the Sedona City Council — he announced last week he was moving to Colorado effec­tive immediately — the city’s legislative body is now one member short. The 2020 election in August...

Official results: Hay won a squeaker

Initial Sept. 2 primary election results were confirmed by official tallies released Wednesday, Sept. 10, but the contest between Republicans in the Congressional Dist. 1 race  to replace Rep. Rick Renzi was much closer than previously reported. ...

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Microtransit ridership down, per-ride cost drops below $100

The annual numbers for the city of Sedona’s trailhead shuttle system indicate that the trailhead shuttles appear to have...

DFFM hosts Firewise workday at Coffee Pot subdivision

Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...
Larson Newspapers