Sedona actress Samaire Armstrong will be appearing in a leading role in the upcoming film “God’s Not Dead: In God We Trust,” which premiered in Dallas on Sept. 4 prior to its run at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre...
The city of Sedona is heading into another runoff election for its new mayor.
With two different political approaches, current Vice Mayor Scott Jablow and candidate Samaire Armstrong will attempt to gather as many more votes as they can between...
Around 300 residents gathered in the Sedona Performing Arts Center to listen to the city’s four mayoral candidates on Wednesday, July 6.
After the Keep Sedona Beautiful and Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance environmental forum the evening before, the League...
Q: What drew you to live in Sedona?
Sedona is my home. My family has been here for 28 years. I returned full-time to Sedona a-year-and-a-half ago looking for a better quality of life and educational prospects, particularly for my...
On Nov. 26, his 16th birthday, Evan Schuessler of Flagstaff became the youngest pilot on record to fly solo...
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