48 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025


‘Merlin’ performs his greatest magic trick … and disappears

The larger-than-life monumental bronze sculpture of “Merlin” in the Old Marketplace parking lot roundabout in West Sedona disappeared this week. But the disappearance is not theft, nor a magic trick by the great Arthurian magician of legend. According to city of...

Big Park Council now shopping for roundabout art

The Big Park Regional Coordinating Council is pursuing an initiative to install sculptures in four roundabouts along State Route 179 in the Village of Oak Creek complementary to the city of Sedona’s Art in the Roundabouts program. The VOC...

Ruth Waddell tells her love story with art

In a conversation about life, artist Ruth Holland Waddell offered this: “Every age has its wisdom,” she said. “You have the wisdom of your age; I have the wisdom of my age. It’s all relative. In other words, if...

Erik Petersen goes beyond bronze art

All it takes to be an artist is to think you are one — this is Erik Petersen’s perspective about art and artists. He said he believes that we are all artists within and that creativity is inherent. He...

Enter whimsy of Mike Medow

The tap-tap-tap sound of the mallet against the wood and the aroma of the wood itself gave Mike Medow the euphoric high necessary to create his whimsical masterpieces. Medow has spent over 50 years of his life carving, chiseling, scraping,...

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City council moves ahead with homelessness grant

After a Sedona City Council work session on Feb. 11, it looks like the city may get to keep...

Scorpions golfers hit the links for 2025 season

The Sedona Red Rock High School varsity golf team teed off their 2025 season at Agave Highlands Golf Course...
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