48 F
Saturday, March 8, 2025

sedona city hall

City Hall hosting exhibit by Sheppard

Celebrating Sedona’s magic and beauty is what Clark Sheppard, a 13-year resident of Sedona, expresses daily with his whimsical paintings created in oil, acrylic and watercolor. His exhibit is now showing at Sedona City Hall through the end of...

Khandro work is ‘not to be missed’

Sherab Khandro’s shares her relevant message of peace and compassion through her harmonious paintings and sculpture work, now showing at Sedona’s City Hall through the end of March.Exploring symbols within our modern culture, imbuing her work with intention, Khandro...

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Sedona-Oak Creek School District collecting coins for Special Olympics

To celebrate March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, the Sedona-Oak Creek School District and Sedona police officers Catherine Beers...

Microtransit ridership down, per-ride cost drops below $100

The annual numbers for the city of Sedona’s trailhead shuttle system indicate that the trailhead shuttles appear to have...
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