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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

sedona cultural park

City unveils four options, including seven stories, for ‘Western Gateway’

The city of Sedona’s consultants, Dig Studio of Phoenix, proposed four different options to redevelop the Western Gateway, the city’s term for the former Sedona Cultural Park, during a second planning meeting at the Sedona Performing Arts Center on...

City releases second Cultural Park survey results

The city of Sedona has released the results of the second online survey on the future development of the Western Gateway, known to residents as the Sedona Cultural Park, which asked about which features should be included in the...

Second Cultural Park survey open through Jan. 19

As of Jan. 16, the second public meeting on the Cultural Park master planning process has been rescheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 19. The city of Sedona has released the second online survey in its ongoing process to create the new...

Second Cultural Park survey coming

While the process to produce a new master plan for the Sedona Cultural Park appears to be running three months behind schedule, residents can look forward to a new online survey on options for the park coming out this...

Residents vote in Cultural Park planning survey

The first phase of the city of Sedona’s online survey on future uses for the Sedona Cultural Park ended on Nov. 15. The survey, which asked residents to rank a range of suggestions in nine categories covering proposed recreational,...

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SRRHS teens to attend leadership camps

Sedona Red Rock High School juniors Glenna Barnes and Logan Jankowski have been selected to take part in the...

Flowers of art song bloom at St. Andrew’s church

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church music director Dave Len Scott started off the second installment of the church’s spring “Shout...
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