The Sedona International Film Festival will present the next New York Film Critics Series event on Tuesday, April 11. The one-night-only premiere screening of “Shot! The Psycho-Spiritual Mantra of Rock” about legendary rock photographer Mick Rock, known as “the...
The Sedona International Film Festival presents Ballet in Cinema on Sunday, April 9, when it hosts the big-screen premiere of “A Hero of Our Time” from the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow. There will be one show at 3 p.m....
The Sedona International Film Festival will present the Northern Arizona premiere of “Personal Shopper,” starring Kristen Stewart, and the encore return of “This Beautiful Fantastic” showing Friday through Wednesday, April 7 through 12, at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre....
The Sedona International Film Festival will present the Northern Arizona premieres of the 2017 Oscar Documentary Shorts Programs Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 15 and 16, at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre.Now an annual film festival tradition, Sedona audiences will...
The Sedona International Film Festival will present the Sedona premiere of “Alone in Berlin” — starring Academy Award-winner Emma Thompson and Brendan Gleeson — showing Friday through Thursday, Feb. 3 through 9, at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. ...
In the new state legislative session, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers pre-filed Arizona Senate Concurrent Memorial 1001 on Dec....
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