Crews will be completing the north half of the inner circle at the ‘Y’ roundabout. This is to be completed by the end of the week. According to a press release, beginning Monday, Aug. 18, traffic...
Construction at the ‘Y’ roundabout is stirring up more than dust and concrete. Standing in the middle of intersections, flaggers are an open target to drive-by insults, profanity and spitting. Some flaggers have...
Village of Oak Creek residents should feel safer knowing the Sedona Fire District now has an alternate way to reach them. With slow or stopped traffic, a likely scenario of Highway 179 during construction, the completion of a bridge...
Sedona’s newly seated City Council met Monday, June 23, with city staff to set its priorities for the next two years. Council set its priorities so city staff could determine how much importance to give issues they work with...
Friday, May 30, 6 p.m. witnesses watched in horror as a car traveling south on Hwy. 89A crossed the northbound lane of oncoming traffic and went over the edge, coming to rest 100 feet from the roadway. ...
Hand crews from Diablo Canyon and Phoenix and inmates working under the authority of the Arizona Department of Forestry...
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