A sudden snowfall and a series of accidents on Dry Creek Road, at Lower Red Rock Loop Road and slow-speed crashes along Cooks Hill shut down Sedona for more than three hours Monday, Dec. 31. ...
Construction Schedule Night excavation of uphill retaining wall near Canyon Drive, potentially through Sunday, Feb. 21. Build uphill wall near Canyon Drive through March. Install 42-inch storm drain between Canyon Drive and Morgan Wash at night through early...
Almost a month after several inches of rain fell in Sedona and the surrounding area in one day, residents still are being impacted by the storm, and they will continue to be for the next several weeks. While State...
A major milestone was reached last week when traffic was transitioned to the south portion of the new Oak Creek Bridge. Phase 2 of the demolition of the existing bridge began Monday, Jan. 4. This is the last...
The State Route 179 road construction project is picking up steam with an anticipated completion date scheduled for either May or June. Last week, the Arizona Department of Transportation opened the bridge over Oak Creek near Tlaquepaque and rerouted...
To celebrate March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, the Sedona-Oak Creek School District and Sedona police officers Catherine Beers...
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