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Tuesday, December 3, 2024

west sedona school

Band classes return to West Sedona School

Sedona-Oak Creek School District has had its share of budget battles and cost cutting clashes. But despite a national growing trend to cut music educa­tion, SOCSD made arts and music a priority, turning a part-time theater position at Sedona...

Be safer on road now with school back in session

The National Safety Council reminds drivers to slow down as back-to-school days means sharing the road. School days bring congestion: School buses are picking up their passengers, kids on bikes are hurrying to get to school before the bell...

West Sedona School sixth-graders study STEM in San Diego

​The West Sedona School sixth grade class continued the tradi­tion of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math field trip to San Diego May 8 through 10. For the last three years, West Sedona School sixth-graders have...

West Sedona School students learn history via dancing

America’s dance floors have come a long way from powdered wigs, petticoats and rigid propriety. But on Friday, March 8, students in Elizabeth Tavasci’s West Sedona School classroom took a small two-step back in time to share an 18th-century...

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Utah theatre partners with Mary D. Fisher

The Sedona International Film Festival announced on Oct. 29 that it has created the Sedona Professional Theatre Company in...

Leanne Lee teaches marble sculpting to students

Artist Leanne Lee added to the history of Yule marble in art with her Artist in the Classroom lesson...
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