Buckle up, Sedona: You’re getting a lot fewer total tourists than previously thought.
For decades, Sedonans have repeated “3 million to 3.5 million” when talking about the number of tourists who visit annually. Former Mayor Sandy Moriarty said in...
The Sedona City Council voted 6-1 to approve a zone change to allow a car camp for local homeless workers on part of the Sedona Cultural Park and to authorize the management contracts for the camp during its Tuesday,...
While October is considered high season for tourism, finding employees for hotel and resort properties is at its lowest in Sedona.
Searching for and retaining employees has become an issue — but many hoteliers say that this isn’t anything new.
Matching mature workers with companies looking for a few good people is the aim of the first senior job fair and forum hosted by the city of Sedona and the Sedona Chamber of Commerce. Ready-to-work 50-...
Emmy-winning actor Jeremy Piven, best known for his role as Hollywood agent Ari Gold in the television series “Entourage,”...
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