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Friday, March 14, 2025

workforce housing

Sedona hotels cope with staffing shortages

While October is consid­ered high season for tourism, finding employees for hotel and resort properties is at its lowest in Sedona. Searching for and retaining employees has become an issue — but many hoteliers say that this isn’t anything new. However,...

Sedona-area leaders update public at Community Pulse

Think of it as the CliffsNotes version of what the city of Sedona, U.S. Forest Service, Big Park Regional Coordinating Council and Northern Arizona Healthcare have been up to lately. On Wednesday, Aug. 25, the Sedona Chamber of Commerce hosted...

Jordan Lofts ‘victory’ may have high cost

The opponents of the Jordan Lofts project on Jordan Road thought they won a victory last week, but it appears to be either pyrrhic or the harbinger of the opponents’ worst-case scenario. After several months of planning, Flagstaff-based Miramonte Homes...

Miramonte pulls plan amendment; will build apartments, homes

The developers of a proposed apartment complex in Uptown have withdrawn their application for a Major Community Plan Amendment with the city of Sedona after a large amount of pushback from nearby residents. However, the property is still going to...

Contact us if you are facing or choosing eviction

Most Sedona residents can complain about the problems caused by tourists until we’re blue in the face, and, looking at our community’s dozens of social media pages, we do. Our chief complaints are that an ever-increasing number of tourists...

Trending Now

SR 89A through Oak Creek Canyon reopened after snowstorm closed highway and northbound Interstate 17

The Arizona Department of Transportation reopened State Route 89A through Oak Creek Canyon this evening on Friday, March 7,...

Realtors’ association releases Yavapai County STR study

The Sedona-Verde Valley Association of Realtors held a public meeting at the Cottonwood Recreation Center on March 6 to...
Larson Newspapers