The Yavapai County Board of Supervisors can’t balance the county’s budget without closing the Yavapai County Jail in Prescott after voters rejected a jail district tax, supervisors determined Monday, Jan. 5. A unanimous...
A review of Sedona’s news from 2008 reveals an underlying theme — 2008 was a year for change — as the city, the City Council, the fire district and the school district all saw change in leadership and Sedona’s...
Prisoners in county jails in need of hospital care and eligible for financial assistance will be enrolled in the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System possibly saving the county thousands of dollars a year. The Yavapai...
When the jail district tax increase didn’t pass Nov. 4, it didn’t shock everyone. “I wasn’t surprised just due to the economy nationwide,” Yavapai County District 3 Supervisor Chip Davis said. On the Nov....
Voters in Yavapai and Coconino counties generally followed the lead of statewide voters during the 2008 general election, with a few notable exceptions. Unlike most other areas of the state, Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) won Coconino County by...
The annual numbers for the city of Sedona’s trailhead shuttle system indicate that the trailhead shuttles appear to have...
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