Awards honor Sedona spirit at annual event2 min read


Sense of community. Community square. Community. Each of these is something Sedona seems to be searching for.

By Trista Steers
Larson Newspapers

Sense of community. Community square. Community.

Each of these is something Sedona seems to be searching for.

Some seek a sense of unity between residents on issues or for a cause.

Others look geographically — where the center of the community is, literally.


While others struggle simply to define community.

Some found their definitions at the Spirit of Sedona Awards on Thursday, Nov. 30, hosted by the Sedona Community Foundation.

People in Sedona are famous for complaining about the lacking sense of community, Carole Wooldrik said.

She thinks philanthropy creates a community.

Wooldrik and her husband, Jack, were honored Thursday evening as Philanthropists of the Year.

Wooldrik said she was

surprised when they were chosen because it seems others in the community also make substantial contributions.

“This is great to be recognized for whatever you are able to do,” Carole Wooldrik said.

The majority of the Wooldriks’ contributions went to help the Humane Society of Sedona fund their new building.

“It’s such a good project and everyone in Sedona loves their animals,” Wooldrik said.

She added that philanthropy would be harder and less fun if it wasn’t for the Sedona Community Foundation.

The Wooldriks make all of their contributions through the organization.

David Keeber, of the Sedona Public Library, thinks he’s found the geographic center.

“Sedona library has been one of the town squares of Sedona for its entire existence,” Keeber said.

The library was named the Nonprofit Organization of the Year.

“We see ourselves first and foremost as a community center as well as an information center,” Keeber said.

A library building has been constructed twice with private contributions, according to Keeber, giving the community a sense of ownership.

This is what Keeber said makes it a community center.

James Bishop Jr. and Adele Seronde were named Volunteers of the Year and Focus on Graphics was named Business Benefactor of the Year.

Community, finally, is the people who came together to acknowledge and congratulate the recipients for their contributions.

Award recipients were selected by the Sedona Community Foundation based on service in a number of areas.

Specially designed awards were given to recipients and donations in their names were made to their select charities.

Larson Newspapers

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